I plan to offer some technical workshops to make you better understand your tube amp!
I am experienced in helding technical workshops and to explain complex things very simple.
WS1 Multi-day workshop "Tube Amp Design for non-engineers"
Basics in electronics and building parts
From resistor to tubes
Safety first
Basics of preamps, stacks, phase inverters, power stages, power supplies
Analyzing a Dumble tube amp from inputs to outputs
- schematics, theory ,
- using oscilloscope, wave generators, DVM to achieve solid knowledge
Lots of examples to hear and feel by using your guitar by using parts of my Lab
After joining this workshop, you are able to design and safely tweak your tube amp by using known building blocks.
WS2 Multi-day workshop "Assisted Amp Buildingwith 1:1 mentoring"
Learn most important basics before your iron is hot!
Build your amp step-by-step assisted by m
- Ask me whenever you need me (we can ZOOM or meet live if you stuck with your amp
- Final amp safety- and security check
After joining this workshop, you will have a self built and tested tube amp, that you really understand from input to output.
I assist you during the building phase as 1:1 mentor.
Workshop Details
Workshops mixed live und on-line as 1:1 or in class room style in small groups.
Workbooks and amp kit (tbd. WS2) included.
Live workshops will be offered in North Germany (Hamburg) at first.
Language German or English on demand
Workshop dates:
Please reach out in case of questions or further workshop ideas!