Welcome to my ODS Tube Amp experience!

Interested in spectaculars upcoming D-style amp series ?

Read directly here....

This is mainly about one of my hobbies, the design of versatile tube guitar amps.

I call these "Convertible Amps" because as a guitarist I don't like to make compromises and would like to use my amp from clean to higher gain without having to manually change the entire setting each time.


Of course, I know the modeling and profiling products that are currently widely used very well and also use them.

Nonetheless, real tube amps still give 20% feeling on top.

I am sure, you know, amps are part of the instrument and are important to close the musical feedback loop that takes us guitarists to the next level.


For decades I am a guitarist in semi-professional bands and at the same time an electronic engineer for almost as long, so that I go into my hobby projects with a corresponding musical but also technical requirement.

Since, as an engineer in a large semicionductor company, I am no longer a developer, my fingers often itch as a developer to implement my creativity.

They are actually all hobby projects that I would like to share and discuss with others.


The pandemic sometimes has to give me a little more time, e.g. to finish my Dumble inspired "Overdrive VERY Special ODvS-D50" project.

This has actually become quite complex (circuit-, PCB-, software design and SMT assembly).


It makes me all the more proud that I was able to bring the amp to life without much further development!


Have fun here on the website and share my special Dumble experience!


Greatings from North Germany !

